This department provides students with the full range of classical and digital communication tools. From drawing to video, including animation, publishing, typography, photography, layout, multimedia technologies and web design, the programme offers cross-disciplinary teaching in response to a fast-changing industry.
Le Bachelor en Communication visuelle forme les designers graphiques de demain à travers les grandes disciplines du domaine : design éditorial, design d’espace, identité visuelle, design d’interaction. Les étudiant-e-x-s acquièrent tous les outils, des plus traditionnels aux plus innovants, et développent une grande polyvalence formelle et intellectuelle leur permettant de se positionner comme créateur-trice-x-s autonomes et engagé-e-x-s.
L’enseignement, basé sur l’apprentissage de méthodes de travail, le suivi personnel, la réalisation de projets fictifs et de mandats réels, porté par des praticien-ne-x-s et théoricien-ne-x-s du domaine, privilégie une approche transversale pour faciliter l’insertion professionnelle dans un milieu où les
technologies sont en constante mutation. S’appuyant sur la tradition et la culture du graphisme suisse comme sur les nouveaux enjeux liés à la transition numérique, le Bachelor en Communication visuelle entretient un lien privilégié avec le Bachelor en Illustration et le Master en Media Design.
Une attention particulière est portée à la création d’images, fixes comme en mouvement, à la narration et aux cultures numériques. Des cycles de conférences menées par des intervenant-e-x-s reconnu-e-x-s internationalement permettent à chacun-e-x de développer une culture graphique et visuelle personnelle tout en appréhendant les enjeux sociétaux du monde contemporain.
Within HEAD’s Visual Communication department, the new BA in Illustration focuses on practices based on images and narration: illustration, graphic novel and animation. Over three years, students acquire traditional and digital tools to develop their approach as authors. They experiment with drawing and image creation techniques in all their forms. They practice their skills in storytelling, scriptwriting or formulating messages. The course encourages students to be curious and critical of the surrounding culture, from fine arts to theatre, film, music, digital arts, literature and video games.
Teaching aims to help students master working methods as well as technical and theoretical skills, develop personal projects in the workshop and provide services to external clients. The particularity of this Bachelor’s degree is that it complements the learning process with graphic design fundamentals, which enable students to adapt their projects to different communication media, such as book publishing and audio-visual or digital productions, and to carry out commissioned work, which will promote successful professional integration. A series of lectures and workshops given by professionals in the field help students develop a personal visual culture while raising their awareness of our contemporary world’s social and artistic issues.
The MA in Media Design is for students who want to specialize in interaction design and explore its potential. Over two years, you will create digital narratives, interfaces, games, immersive experiences, and interactive installations. You will engage with creative coding and tools such as AI, VR, AR, and game engines. Beyond purely technical training, you will conduct field research in order to create scenarios, understand user needs and design concepts that balance innovation with a human-centered, social, and environmentally responsible approach.
The program revolves around three main topics. The first you will investigate the evolving landscape of human-machine interactions, using machine learning processes as you learn to “talk to robots”. The second, “interaction design with limited resources”, focuses on prototyping experiences that minimize the environmental footprint. Third, “games and narratives”, will teach you how to craft new storytelling and interactive experiences.